Dick Dillon
Dick Dillon has worked in the behavioral health field for over 35 years, starting with a volunteer coordinator role and holding most clinical and management positions, including COO of a large Midwest non-profit counseling agency. In November, 2011, he formed his own consulting organization, Innovaision, LLC. The work of Innovaision focuses on helping behavioral health and other human services organizations become more innovative and effective by combining common sense, vision, creative and innovative programming, evidence-based practices, and cutting-edge technology.
Among other accomplishments, Mr. Dillon has served on a variety of local and national task forces focused on improving clinical and administrative practices. Mr. Dillon has been an adjunct faculty member on the staff of three universities and is a long-time lecturer and educator. He is a Diplomate of the International Academy of Behavioral Medicine, Counseling, and Psychotherapy. Mr. Dillon has presented at national and international conferences and symposia, including the SAAS/NIATx Annual Meeting, the National Council for Behavioral Health Annual Conference, and the Federal Consortium of Virtual Worlds annual conference.